Pavlína 61874

Three girls have CZK 1,780. Pavlína had 1/3, Eva had 100 CZK less, and Hanka has x CZK. How much money did each girl have?

Correct answer:

p =  593.3333 Kc
e =  493.3333 Kc
h =  693.3333 Kc

Step-by-step explanation:

a=1780 Kc p=31 a=31 1780=31 1780=31780=31780 Kc=593.3333 Kc
e=p100=31780100=317803100 3=317803300=31780300=31480=31480 Kc=493.3333 Kc
h=ape=17803178031480=32080 Kc=693.3333 Kc

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