A baker 6

A baker prepares a cake mix that weighs 120 pounds. The cake mix consists of 25 1/2 pounds of flour, 32 3/4 pounds of sugar, 20 3/8 pounds of milk, 15 pounds of whole eggs, and a total of 7 1/4 pounds of miscellaneous ingredients. The only other ingredient is shortening. How many pounds of shortening are used in the mix?

Correct answer:

x =  19 18 = 153/8 lb

Step-by-step explanation:

a=120 lb b=2521=251=25.5 lb c=3243=4131=32.75 lb d=2083=20+83=820 8+3=8160+3=8163=20.375 lb e=15 lb f=741=7+41=47 4+1=428+1=429=7.25 lb  g=b+c+d+e+f=251+4131+8163+15+429=8807=100.875 lb x=ag=1208807=8120 88807=89608807=8960807=8153=8153 lb=1981 lb=19.125 lb

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