Cross-section 46841
The cross-section of the channel has the shape of a trapezoid. The bottom width is 2.25 m, and the depth is 5 m. The walls have a slope of 68°12' and 73°45'. Calculate the upper channel width.
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The line slope calculator is helpful for basic calculations in analytic geometry. The coordinates of two points in the plane calculate slope, normal and parametric line equation(s), slope, directional angle, direction vector, the length of the segment, intersections of the coordinate axes, etc.
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See also our right triangle calculator.
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Need help calculating sum, simplifying, or multiplying fractions? Try our fraction calculator.
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See also our right triangle calculator.
See also our trigonometric triangle calculator.
Try conversion angle units angle degrees, minutes, seconds, radians, grads.
You need to know the following knowledge to solve this word math problem:
- algebra
- expression of a variable from the formula
- planimetrics
- right triangle
- area of a shape
- triangle
- trapezoid
- numbers
- fractions
- mixed numbers
- goniometry and trigonometry
- tangent
- cotangent
Units of physical quantities:
Grade of the word problem:
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