Lead melt

Find the heat needed to melt an object made of lead weighing 250g and an initial temperature of 35°C. Lead melts at 327°C at normal pressure. Mass heat capacity of lead c = 129 J/kg • K and mass latent heat of lead lt (t is the subscript) = 22.6 kJ/kg.

Correct answer:

Q =  15.067 kJ

Step-by-step explanation:

m=250 g kg=250:1000  kg=0.25 kg t1=35 °C t2=327 °C c=129 J/kg/K l=22.6 kJ/kg  T=t2t1=32735=292 K  Q1=m c T=0.25 129 292=9417 J Q2=l m=22.6 0.25=20113=5.65 kJ  Q=Q1/1000+Q2=9417/1000+5.65=15.067 kJ

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