Ice to boiling water

Calculate the heat needed to convert 5kg of ice at a temperature of -5°C to water with a temperature of 100°C.
c (water) = 4200 J/°C/kg, c (ice) = 2100 J/°C/kg. The mass group heat of solidification of water is l = 334 kJ/kg.

Calculate the heat that 1k g of water must release to turn it into ice.

Correct answer:

Q =  3822.5 kJ

Step-by-step explanation:

m=5 kg t1=100 °C t2=0 °C t3=5 °C  c1=2.1 kJ/kg/°C c2=4.2 kJ/kg/°C l=334 kJ/kg  Q1=m c1 (t2t3)=5 2.1 (0(5))=2105=52.5 kJ Q2=m l=5 334=1670 kJ Q3=m c2 (t1t2)=5 4.2 (1000)=2100 kJ  Q=Q1+Q2+Q3=52.5+1670+2100=3822.5 kJ

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