Mountain climbing

Ken and his brother decided to go on mountain climbing 8 miles from their house to Mt. Daraitan at a rate of x mph (miles per hour). For the return trip, it was 2 mph faster. It took them 6 hours for the entire round trip. What is the x?

Correct answer:

x =  2 mph

Step-by-step explanation:

s=8 mi t=6 h  s = x t1 s = (x+2) t2 t = t1+t2  8=x t1 8 =(x+2) (6t1)  8 =(x+2) (68/x)  8 x=(x+2) (6x8)  8 x=(x+2) (6x8) 6x2+4x+16=0 6x24x16=0 6=23 4=22 16=24 GCD(6,4,16)=2  3x22x8=0  a=3;b=2;c=8 D=b24ac=2243(8)=100 D>0  x1,2=2ab±D=62±100 x1,2=62±10 x1,2=0.333333±1.666667 x1=2 x2=1.333333333  x=x1=2=2 mph   Verifying Solution:  t1=s/x=8/2=4 h t2=x+2s=2+28=2 h t3=t1+t2=4+2=6 h

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I really appreciate it that you solved my problem. It was a life saver as I didn't know what to do in this problem. I'm really glad I can answer it now and further explain what do I do if I encounter this problem next time. Thanks

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