Consider 6

Consider the following word problem:

The temperature readings for 20 days at 1 AM at a local ski resort were recorded as follows:

9° 27° −4° 1° 5° 14° 6° 28° −2° 16°
30° 4° 20° 30° −5° 15° −7° 25° −1° 5°

What was the average of the recorded temperatures for these 20 days?
Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

Correct answer:

t =  10.8 °C

Step-by-step explanation:

s1=9+27+(4)+1+5+14+6+28+(2)+16=100 °C s2=30+4+20+30+(5)+15+(7)+25+(1)+5=116 °C  t=10+10s1+s2=10+10100+116=10.8°C

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