Unit price 2

Cookie dough can be purchased in tubs or rolls. A 32-ounce tub cost $4.56 and a 16.5-ounce roll costs $2.50. Which is the better buy per ounce? Write the answer as an A or B option.

Correct answer:

x = A

Step-by-step explanation:

m1=32 oz c1=4.56 USD  m2=16.5 oz c2=2.50 USD  u1=c1/m1=4.56/32=40057=0.1425 USD/oz u2=c2/m2=2.5/16.5=3350.1515 USD/oz  u1<u2  x=A

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Tip: Our Density units converter will help you convert density units.

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