Two-digit 82521

Karel had to multiply two two-digit numbers. Out of care, he changed the order of the digits in one of the factors and got a product that was 4,248 less than the correct result. What is the correct result?

How much should Karl have earned?

Correct answer:

x1 =  5369
x2 =  4720

Step-by-step explanation:

4248 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 59 = 23 × 32 × 59  x = ab cd = ab dc + 4248  59 91 = 59 19 + 4248 59 91 = 59 19 + 59 72 91 = 19 + 72  x1=59 91=5369
x2=abcd = abdc + 59 72  59 80 = 59 08 + 59 72 59(808) = 59 72 59 72 = 59 72  x2=80 59=4720

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