BMI index

Calculate BMI (body mass index, an index indicating obesity, overweight, normal weight, underweight) man weighing m = 102 kg and height h = 159 cm. The index is calculated according to the equation (formula):


With the BMI index, it is possible to compare people of different heights in the following categories:

BMI Category
bellow 18,5Underweight
18,5 - 24,9 Normal weight
25,0 - 9,9 Overweight
30,0 - 34,9 Obesity 1st grade
35 - 39,9 Obesity 2nd grade
above 40 Obesity 3rd grade

Correct answer:

BMI =  40.3

Step-by-step explanation:

h=159 cm m=159:100  m=1.59 m m=102 kg  BMI=h2m=1.592102=40.3

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