Originally 5427

There were red and green candies in the tin. Čenek ate 2/5 of all the red candies, and Zuzka ate 3/5 of all the green candies. Now, the red candies make up 3/8 of all the candies in the can.

How many candies were originally in the can?

Correct answer:

n =  35

Step-by-step explanation:

c = 5 k1 z = 5 k2 c2=12/5=53=0.6 z2=13/5=52=0.4   z z2+c c2c c2 = 83 8 c c2 = 3 c2 c+3 z2 z c3=8 c23 c2=8 0.63 0.6=3 z3=3 z2=3 0.4=56=151=1.2  c3 c = z3 z 3c = 6/5 z 15c = 6z 15=35 6=23 LCM(15,6)=235=30  k3=LCM(15,6)=30 k1=2 k2=5 c=2 5=10 z=5 5=25  n=c+z=10+25=35  s1=3/8=83=0.375 c4=cc 2/5=1010 2/5=6 z4=zz 3/5=2525 3/5=10 s4=c4/(c4+z4)=6/(6+10)=83=0.375 s1=s4

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