Components 81552

Gunpowder is made from a mixture of coal, sulfur, and lignite, with 4 times more lignite than sulfur and 3 times more sulfur than coal. Calculate how many kilograms of individual components are needed to produce 240 kg of gunpowder.?

Correct answer:

u =  15 kg
s =  45 kg
l =  180 kg

Step-by-step explanation:

m=240 kg l=4s s = 3u  l = 12u u = 3u  r1=12+3+11=161=0.0625 r2=12+3+112=43=0.75 r3=12+3+13=163=0.1875  u=r1 m=0.0625 240=15 kg
s=r3 m=0.1875 240=45 kg
l=r2 m=0.75 240=180 kg

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