Flower shop

In a flower shop, a bunch containing 3 tulips, 2 roses, and 1 daffodil cost $10.79. A different bunch containing 1 tulip, 2 roses, and 3 daffodils costs $10.13. A tulip costs 35 cents more than a rose.
How much does 1 tulip and 1 rose, and 1 daffodil cost?

Correct answer:

t =  1.97
r =  1.62
d =  1.64

Step-by-step explanation:

3t+2r+1d=10.79 1t+2r+3d=10.13 t=0.35+r  3 t+2 r+1 d=10.79 1 t+2 r+3 d=10.13 t=0.35+r  d+2r+3t=10.79 3d+2r+t=10.13 rt=0.35  Pivot:Row1Row2 3d+2r+t=10.13 d+2r+3t=10.79 rt=0.35  Row231 Row1Row2 3d+2r+t=10.13 1.333r+2.667t=7.413 rt=0.35  Row31.333333331 Row2Row3 3d+2r+t=10.13 1.333r+2.667t=7.413 3t=5.91  t=35.91=1.97 r=1.333333337.413333332.6666666666667t=1.333333337.413333332.66666667 1.97=1.62 d=310.132rt=310.132 1.621.97=1.64  d=2541=1.64 r=5081=1.62 t=100197=1.97

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