The library

A certain number of people agreed to contribute equally to buy books worth $12000 for a school library. Five people pulled out, so others agreed to contribute an extra $100 each. Their contribution enabled them to buy books worth $ 2000 more than they originally expected. Write down:

a) an expression of how much each was originally to contribute.
b) two distinct expressions of how much each contributed after the five pulled out.
c) Calculate the value of x

Correct answer:

a =  300 USD
x =  40

Step-by-step explanation:

12000 = x a 12000+2000 = (x5) (a+100)  12000 = x a 5 a+100x500  14000 = 12000 5 a+100x500 2500 = 5 a+100x 500 = 20xa  a = 20x500  12000 = x a  12000 = x (20 x500) 20x2500x12000=0  x225x600=0  x225x600=0  a=1;b=25;c=600 D=b24ac=25241(600)=3025 D>0  x1,2=2ab±D=225±3025 x1,2=225±55 x1,2=12.5±27.5 x1=40 x2=15  x=x1=40  a=20 x500=20 40500=300   Verifying Solution:   b=a+100=300+100=400 USD  t1=x a=40 300=12000 USD t2=(x5) b=(405) 400=14000 USD

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