
Suppose the length of the hair is affected by only the α-keratin synthesis, which is the major component. This synthesis takes place in the epithelial cells of the hair bulb. The structure of α-keratin is made up of α-helix for the 3.6 amino acid residues in one revolution. Each turn increases the α-helix of 5.7 Å. During the synthesis of the α-keratin per second, on average, 30 formed peptide bonds.


What is the rate of hair growth in mm in one day?
The result round to three decimal places [mm/day]


How many days will clone hair length 4.9 cm when the initial length was 3.5 mm?

Correct answer:

s =  0.41 mm/d
t =  110.9 d

Step-by-step explanation:

t1=24 h s=24 3600  s=86400 s v1=30/3.6 5.7 1074.75106 mm/s s=v1 t1=4.75106 86400=0.41 mm/d
s2=10 4.93.5=45.5 mm t=s2/s=45.5/0.4104=110.9 d

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