Two-dimensional 36453

Two of its inhabitants stand at one point in the land of two-dimensional beings. Suddenly, they both start running at the same moment. Resident A runs north at 5m/s, and resident B runs east at 12m/s. Calculate how fast they are moving away from each other.

Correct answer:

v =  13 m/s

Step-by-step explanation:

v1=5 m/s v2=12 m/s  s2 = s12+s22 (vt)2 = (v1 t)2+(v2 t)2  v2 = v12+v22  v=v12+v22=52+122=13 m/s

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Tips for related online calculators
Our vector sum calculator can add two vectors given by their magnitudes and by included angle.
Do you want to convert velocity (speed) units?
See also our right triangle calculator.

You need to know the following knowledge to solve this word math problem:

We encourage you to watch this tutorial video on this math problem: video1   video2

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