
Eva loves symmetry in shapes and numbers. Yesterday she invented an entirely new kind of symmetry - divisible symmetry. She wrote all five-digit numbers with different digits with the following property:
The first digit is divisible by 1, the second by 2, the third by 3, the fourth by four, and the fifth by 5, regardless of whether the digit reads from left to right or right to left.

List all five-digit numbers with Eva's divisible symmetry. How many are there?

Correct answer:

n =  12

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 50005
2. 50305
3. 50605
4. 50905
5. 54045
6. 54345
7. 54645
8. 54945
9. 58085
10. 58385
11. 58685
12. 58985

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