Characters 82998

Adam wrote the following sum with five secret adders:
a + bb + ccc + dddd + eeeee.

He revealed that the characters "a, b, c, d, e" represent the different digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and that the resulting sum is divisible by 11.
Which is the smallest and which is the largest number that can result from Adam's sum?

Correct answer:

x =  23815
y =  59345

Step-by-step explanation:

a + bb + ccc + dddd + eeeee = 11 QWER  2 + 11 + 444 + 3333 + 55555 = 59345 = 11  5395 2 + 11 + 555 + 3333 + 44444 = 48345 = 11  4395 2 + 33 + 444 + 1111 + 55555 = 57145 = 11  5195 2 + 33 + 555 + 1111 + 44444 = 46145 = 11  4195 4 + 11 + 222 + 3333 + 55555 = 59125 = 11  5375 4 + 11 + 555 + 3333 + 22222 = 26125 = 11  2375 4 + 33 + 222 + 1111 + 55555 = 56925 = 11  5175 4 + 33 + 555 + 1111 + 22222 = 23925 = 11  2175 5 + 11 + 222 + 3333 + 44444 = 48015 = 11  4365 5 + 11 + 444 + 3333 + 22222 = 26015 = 11  2365 5 + 33 + 222 + 1111 + 44444 = 45815 = 11  4165 5 + 33 + 444 + 1111 + 22222 = 23815 = 11  2165  x=23815

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