Determine 81756

The area for shooting training has the shape of a trapezoid, the parallel sides of which are 36m, 21m long, and the remaining sides are 14m, 16m long. Determine the size of the interior angles with a longer base.

Correct answer:

α =  53.5764 °
β =  66.8676 °

Step-by-step explanation:

a=36 m c=21 m b=14 m d=16 m  x=ac=3621=15 m Δ x,b,d  b2 = x2+d2  2xd cos α  α=π180°arccos(2 x dx2+d2b2)=π180°arccos(2 15 16152+162142)=53.5764=53°3435"
β=π180°arccos(2 x bx2+b2d2)=π180°arccos(2 15 14152+142162)=66.8676=66°523"

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The Pythagorean theorem is the base for the right triangle calculator.
Do you want to convert time units like minutes to seconds?
Cosine rule uses trigonometric SAS triangle calculator.
See also our trigonometric triangle calculator.
Try conversion angle units angle degrees, minutes, seconds, radians, grads.

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