Each letter in STRESSED is printed on identical cards, one letter per card, and assembled in random order. Calculate the probability that the cards spell DESSERTS when assembled.

Correct answer:

p =  0.0298 %

Step-by-step explanation:

n1=1 n=8 n(S) = 3 n(T) = 1 n(R) = 1 n(E) = 2 n(D) = 1  n2 =  n(S)!   n(T)!   n(R)!   n(E)!   n(D)!n!  n2=3! 2!8!=3360  p=100 n2n1=100 33601=3360100 1=3360100=0.0298%

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Showing 6 comments:
where does 3! and 2! come from?

5 years ago  1 Like
Dr Math
some characters are repeated: 3xS + 2xE; so there is no difference between first second and third S or 1st or 2nd E char.

Math student
How did you get 3360

Math student
dividing the factorials of 8!= 40,320 / 3!= 6 x 2!=2 so 40,320/12=3360
8!= 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1= 40,320

Math student
why is n1 = 1?

4 years ago  1 Like
n1 is the count of positive card (word DESSERTS) -> only one. n2 are the count of all combinations

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