Quadrilateral 7815

The area of the mantle of a regular quadrilateral pyramid is equal to twice the area of its base. Calculate the pyramid's volume if the base edge's length is 20 dm.

Correct answer:

V =  2309.4011 dm3

Step-by-step explanation:

a=20 dm  S1=a2=202=400 dm2 S2=2 S1=2 400=800 dm2  S2 = 4   a h2/2  h2=S2/a/2=800/20/2=20 dm  h22 = h2 + (a/2)2  h=h22(a/2)2=202(20/2)2=10 3 dm17.3205 dm  V=31 S1 h=31 400 17.3205=2309.4011 dm3

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Tips for related online calculators
Tip: Our volume units converter will help you convert volume units.
See also our right triangle calculator.
See also our trigonometric triangle calculator.

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