Silver medal

A circular silver medal with a diameter of 10 cm is an inscribed gold cross consisting of five equal squares. What is the area of the silver part?

b) What is the area of the golden cross?

Correct answer:

S =  28.54 cm2
S5 =  50 cm2

Step-by-step explanation:

D=10 cm r=D/2=10/2=5 cm  D2 = a2 + (3a)2 D2 = a2 + 9a2 D2 = 10 a2  D = 10 a a=D/10=10/10=10 cm3.1623 cm n=5  S5=n a2=5 3.16232=50 cm2 S2=π r2=3.1416 5278.5398 cm2  S=S2S5=78.53985028.5398 cm2   Verifying Solution:   S3=5+1/2+1/25 S2=5+1/2+1/25 78.539865.4498 cm2 S5  S

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