Bearing - navigation

A ship travels 84 km on a bearing of 17° and then travels on a bearing of 107° for 135 km. Find the distance of the end of the trip from the starting point to the nearest kilometer.

Correct answer:

s =  159 km

Step-by-step explanation:

α=17°=17 β=107°=107  a=84 km b=135 km  x1=a cosα=a cos17° =84 cos17° =84 0.956305=80.3296 km y1=a sinα=a sin17° =84 sin17° =84 0.292372=24.55922 km  x2=b cosβ=b cos107° =135 cos107° =135 (0.292372)=39.47018 km y2=b sinβ=b sin107° =135 sin107° =135 0.956305=129.10114 km  x=x1+x2=80.3296+(39.4702)40.8594 km y=y1+y2=24.5592+129.1011153.6604 km  s=x2+y2=40.85942+153.66042=159 km

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Dr Math
Q: A ship sailing on a bearing of 090⁰, its direction is?

A: A bearing of  90° is direction to the east.

north representing 0° or 360°
east representing 90°
south representing 180°
west representing 270°

2 years ago  1 Like
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Our vector sum calculator can add two vectors given by their magnitudes and by included angle.
The Pythagorean theorem is the base for the right triangle calculator.
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See also our trigonometric triangle calculator.
Try conversion angle units angle degrees, minutes, seconds, radians, grads.

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